Thursday, September 10, 2009

Loving you is cherry pie (:

Even if the sky is falling down. ;'(

This is the way you apologise, to me.
This is the way you treat me.
This is the way you hurt me so much.
This is the way you fame me down.
This is the way you make me so ashamed.

[\- im sorry for everything that i said , i know that yeah sometimes its hard to forgive me , but u always scold me. try to understand how i feel yeah . I apologise about how i treated you but sometimes u just gotta think how i feel . Hope you're already better from ur leg injury. take care boyster. - /]

I just don't know what to said.
Seriously you can delete that photo, you were with that L.
I saw it till i get bastard because of him, and it hurts me too much!
Sometimes i feels that you go out with me, you feels bored.
Just like how J, treated me. If really bored then rather don't go out.

You wanna apologise, ?
You come back to me and personal talk like a man.
I don't wanna hear from Online chats or what so ever.
You think i gonna apologise just like that?
Ya, meaning you come back Singapore again this month and fucking meet me.
You want to lose a friend or a foe ?
Choose wisely.
You dare meet other people again.

Of cause it really hard to forgive you, imagine how many days i ask you to meet me?
From the starting you came back. Did that 2 fuckers ever care for you?!
I scold you because theres reason between it. I scold because i care for you.
My leg injury, you didn't bother to meet me. You know my conditions?
Well thanks for your bothering about my leg.

Like i always post my favourite phrase.

(. I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me
Papa, paparazzi
Baby, there's no other superstar, you know that I'll be
Your papa, paparazzi

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that person is mine
Baby, you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me
Papa, paparazzi .)
