Saturday, July 24, 2010

I'm back!

Well, was doing on my blogskins. As it was like?! Duhs!!!!
So i give it a new skins, is it nice guys? Comment it thanks!

Just came back from East Coast, bad memories! bad memories! I know that person from there.
And blahs blahs blahs, i not gonna continue. Well, i promised myself t get t gym like 1 week 2 times or more.
Cause i wanna have figure just like, _____ nvm. Ignore that part. And as well as working hard, get th best payoff work?! =)) And i can lead my most happy life. It doesn't matter if nowadays people changed alot.
I don't give a damn or bamn anymore. As at most i got money and i only got money but nothing else.
But of course my Girlfriend. (;

Knowing that Revenge is sweet, maybe i not gonna hurt myself for th moment?! Yeah...
My birthday celebration was boom! 1 martell, atleast i seh! But i don't remember a single thing what i done!
I know i end up went t SGHospital, because my girlfriend was having Asthma. That's all.
Nevermind my birthday was ruined and someone promised me t treat me dinner. But end up i can understand th situation. Hope he don't forget what he promised! (;

I gonna stop here, hope i can sleep for 1 hour at most t wake up by 1pm. As i meeting my Girlfriend later.
Alright, stopping here. Night's people. ;)

"Maybe th feeling is freaking hurt till i wanna forget about you, but i know in th future.. You really need me in your life. I said "Sorry"! I respect you! I do whatever you ask! What more you want?!"