Saturday, October 9, 2010

Keep telling myself it not worth it!

Hey there D's, 8 more days t your Officially big day. I hope you should get Celebrated.
I miss you, yes i miss you like no other people! It's like going 8 months? We haven meet up.
Sorry for all th fight, quarrel and other's. I know i too harsh and control t you.
Wish you very happy and no matter what no one can low down you. Rememeber what i promised?
Hehes! <; I'm so happy whenever you msn with me and chat. So whatever it is, need anything help feel free t sms or call me. I will be more happy! I know your busy, but i too harsh and angry you don't wanna meet me.
So yes now i understand already, hmm. Hope everything okay with you and ur family.
Anyway, takecare.

Keep telling myself that its not worth it, I already know I dont deserve it.
But if its from you I dont mind Hurting. This is my perfect nightmare.
So when will I wake up and scream! Sometimes we fight, Sometimes I cry.
Why dont I just tell him goodbye, Sometimes I should but sometimes I dont.
Build up the strength to say that its wrong, Sometimes I hate sometimes I love.
Sometimes I hurt, Sometimes I dont. Sometimes I wait for him t change.
But its okay I just got t pay. ;<

Later will be going Ph, how many days and months didn't step in t Ph. Miss those clubs! Yeah today gonna hit it!
Meeting J, at hougang point. So i gonna hurry bathe and prepare. <;

Alright, please help me click LIKE, and my ads! Tyvm! ;D